Vivian Silver was born in Winnipeg
Lightning year of 1949
death of a salesman
Janet Agren
Chaucha Revolt
Executions in Barcelona
Just months after the War of Independence
In my year - the prodigious one -
came to Israel for the first time
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
National Conference of Jewish Women
Aliya made in 1974
months after Yom Kippur
It united feminism and the search for peace
He made friends with Bedouins and Gazans
He defended humanity and its rights
He wove ties with the fringe
sought to understand and embrace
marched alongside his Palestinian peers
On October 7 she was kidnapped in Be'eri, her Kibbutz.
The fire consumed his house
More than a hundred of her siblings died.
Blood of flowers poured on the desert
Where are you sister in tune with peace?
What corner of hell do you illuminate?
How does your justice shine there?
Is there your crucible equality?
The sky that travels inside you.
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