El valle de Aconcagua
se llamaba Chile,
ya en la hora de quipas,
orgullosos Incas.
Indicaba frío y lejano,
comarca del poderoso Tili,
lugar colmado de triles:
pequeños tordos
con manchas amarillas.
Aquella voz enseñaba:
tierra fértil y florida,
paraíso de temblores y volcanes,
río sembrado de espíritus,
río azul de Concón.
Chile: in search of meaning
The Aconcagua Valley
was called Chile,
in the time of quipas,
proud Incas.
Indicating cold and distant,
Tili chief
place of birds:
small thrushes
with yellow spots.
That voice teach:
fertile land & flowers
earthquakes and volcanoes paradise,
strewn river spirits,
Blue River of Concón.
was called Chile,
in the time of quipas,
proud Incas.
Indicating cold and distant,
Tili chief
place of birds:
small thrushes
with yellow spots.
That voice teach:
fertile land & flowers
earthquakes and volcanoes paradise,
strewn river spirits,
Blue River of Concón.
La fotografía proviene de este sitio.
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